Vaega faapitoa uma

Faamama lagona gaogao Cordless

H10 Flex - Fa'amama & Suia Vaega

Taimi: 2023-04-13 Hits: 96
Potu masini

Assemble and disassemble electric floor head with flexible metal tube

Hold the floor head with left hand, use right hand to insert the metal tube vertically into floor head, align with the conductive needle, press the tube
until a “click” sound is heard.
Faʻalogo: Taofi le au ma le ulu o le fola i le itu lava e tasi, o le nila faʻaulu e tatau ona fetaui ma le socket.
When packing, storing or cleaning, if the electric floor head needs to be removed, press the brush release button and pull the metal tube in the direction shown in the picture to take out floor head.



Assemble battery pack with handheld vacuum

Hold battery pack, align with guiding slot on handheld vacuum body, slide in battery pack in the arrow direction in the picture. And then pull the battery pack after installation to make sure it does not get loose.
Attention: when the vacuum cleaner is long idled, please remove the battery, pack the machine and store it in a cool and dry place, avoid direct sunlight or humid environment.

Assemble floor head and metal tube assembly with handheld vacuum

First, assemble floor head and metal tube according to the method of assembling electric floor head with metal tube. Then, as shown by the arrow, align the conductive needle of the metal tube with the coupler of the handheld vacuum suction nozzle, push metal tube upward until a“click” sound is heard.


Fonotaga o mea fa'aoga

For the convenience of use, this product is specially equipped with some accessories for the hand-held part of the vacuum cleaner. When you use the handheld vacuum cleaner alone, you can directly connect the accessories according to your needs.


Lisi Feso'ota'iga Mea'ai


Fa'aaogāina ole masini fa'amama



1. When use the product for first time, battery power is not full. Need to charge the vacuum before using.
2. If power cord is damaged, to avoid danger, it must be replaced by a professional people of the manufacturer, repairing agent or similar department.
The product can be charged in two ways:
1. Charge the battery pack separately: Plug one end of charger to battery pack connector and another end of charger to power socket to charge the battery directly. In this way when under charging the indicator on the side of battery pack is in red and turns green when charging is completed.

2. Charge the battery on machine: lug one end of charger to battery pack connector and another end of charger to power socket to charge the battery
when battery pack is assembled in the vacuum cleaner. Machine LED screen will show battery power percentage. When charging is completed it will show 100% as the pictures shows.


1. When battery power is below ≤20%, If machine is working in Max mode in this status, it will change to Eco mode automatically. When battery power runs off, machine will turn off.
2. If vacuum cleaner is long idled, charge the battery every three months to avoid battery failure.



Use of handheld vacuum and LCD screen contents

Take the vacuum cleaner off the storage holder, press the on/off button to start or stop the vacuum cleaner. Mode button can adjust working mode.
When machine is turned on, it works in Auto mode, press the mode button to switch to the sequence of Turbo- Max - Eco-Auto mode.
Middle of LED screen displays product run time left in current mode. When mode is changed, left run time will also change accordingly. When product works in Max mode and battery power drops below 20%, to extend product run time, product will automatically switch from Max to Eco mode. After battery is charged to higher than 20% power, product can work in Max mode.
When the product is working in Auto mode, it will adjust working power basing on the dust content and the floor type it detects, in order to achieve higher cleaning efficiency. Under Auto
mode, LED screen display Auto regardless how high the working power is.
The product is equipped with dust content sensor. On LED screen bottom there is a light strip to display the dust content. As dust content decreases from high to low, the red colour decreases and blue colour increases. When the strip is completely blue, the cleaning surface is clean. Cleanness of the cleaning surface can be visually displayed through LED screen.

Fa'aaogāga fa'apa'u u'amea fe'avea'i

The flexible metal tube has two modes: vertical and bending. The vertical mode is equivalent to the normal metal tube. The bending mode can be used for cleaning under the sofa, table or bed, etc. When the bending mode is needed, press the release button and the metal tube can achieve 0-90°bending angle.



Fa'aaogāina ole ulu fola eletise

E fetaui lelei le ulu o le fola eletise e faʻamamā ai ituaiga uma o fola e pei o le fola malo, tile ma kapeta ma isi mea. O oloa e sau ma se faʻaopoopoga kapeta brushroll e mafai ona suia i le ulu o le fola ile kapeta mama loloto.
Attention: During the operation of the electric floor head, if there is a large volume of foreign matter inhaled or too much fiber wound, or even a child in the play of the machine mistakenly put his hand into the nozzle,resulting in the brushroll abnormal stop, the electric floor head will stop working, in order to protect personal safety and brush motor.

Faʻaaogaina o mea faʻaaoga

Flexible crevice tool : The crevice tool can be bent into angle with LED light in the head.
Suitable for cleaning crevice, door, window corners and other narrow gap as well as hard to reach areas.
Meafaigaluega upholstery: talafeagai mo le faamamaina o kapoti, windowsill, sofa ma luga o le laulau.
pulumu malu: talafeagai mo le fa'amama faigofie e valu meaafale pei o fatatusi, meataulima ma isi.
Ulu fa'aeletise: E talafeagai mo sofa ma moega fa'amoe. E sasa le pulumu ona fa'amama ai lea o le pefu mite ma allergen mai sofa loloto po'o le moega.

Fesoʻotaʻi: E mafai ona faʻafesoʻotaʻi i isi meafaigaluega ma punou i itu eseese e faʻamama le pefu i luga o kapoti maualuga poʻo le pefu i luga o le taualuga.



Faamamaina ma Suiga Vaega

1. HEPA filter is available for sale from local vacuum cleaner distributors.
2. It is recommended to clean the dust cup after each use; When the dust cup is full or the HEPA filter is clogged, it needs to be cleaned and replaced if necessary.
3.Electric floor head brushroll might be entangled with hair after long time use. It needs to be cleaned in time to keep the vacuum working moreefficiently.

Clean dust cup and filters

1. Press down the dust cup bottom cover to open dust cup bottom cover. Fig 1
2. Dump dust into trash can.Fig 2
3. Hold dust cup lid and rotate anti-clockwise, remove cyclone assembly from dust cup for cleaning.Fig 3
4. Rotate cyclone anti-clockwise, disassemble cyclone to clean.Fig 4
5. Hold HEPA lid and rotate anti-clockwise, remove HEPA assembly from top cover and then rotate HEPA lid to remove HPEA from the lid for cleaning.Fig 5
6. If HEPA needs wash, hold the HEPA and rotate clockwise, remove it from HEPA lid for washing. HEPA needs completely dry before reuse.Fig 6
7. A maeʻa ona faʻamamā, faʻapipiʻi vaega i tua i le faʻasologa faʻafeagai o le faʻaseseina.



Fufulu mama

1. Move the brushroll release button along the arrow direction remove side cover.
2. Remove one end of the brushroll and take it out from nozzle for cleaning.
3. After cleaning or replacing brushroll, assemble it back in opposite sequence of disassembly.

Vacuum cleaner storage
Ta'atia le pusa ma'a

Press the battery release button, pull battery pack out backward and place the battery in a plastic bag, then store it in a dry place.

Teuga oloa

When the vacuum is long idled, remove the battery, pack the machine and store it in a cool and dry place, do not put in direct sunlight or humid environment.


Faamatalaga Saogalēmū
O lenei masini mama ua mamanuina mo le faʻaoga ile fale. Aua le faʻaaogaina mo pisinisi poʻo isi faʻamoemoega.
Fa'amolemole faitau ma le fa'aeteete lenei tusi fa'atonu a'o le'i fa'aoga, fa'asa'o lelei ma teu mo le fa'aoga i le lumana'i.
Aua le tuʻuina le lagona gaogao latalata i le afi poʻo se isi nofoaga maualuga o le vevela.
Do not use or store the machine under extreme bad conditions, for example, extreme temperature. It is recommended to use it indoors between the temperature of 5 °C to 40 °C.
Teu le masini i nofoaga matutu ma aloese mai le susulu o le la.
Totogi atoa le maa aʻo leʻi muamua faʻaaoga pe ua maeʻa ona teu se taimi umi.
Ae e te leʻi faʻaaogaina le lagona gaogao, ia mautinoa ua faʻapipiʻi le pulumu, a leai, e ono oʻo atu i le poloka o taʻavale afi, ma mafua ai ona mu le afi.
Faʻamolemole aua le faʻaaogaina le lagona gaogao e piki ai vailaʻau fualaʻau, suauʻu, toʻa tioata, nila, sikaleti lefulefu, susu pefu, vai, afitusi, ma isi.
Faʻamolemole aua le faʻaaogaina le lagona gaogao e piki ai ni tamaʻi vaega e pei o le sima, paʻu gypsum, pauta pa, poʻo ni mea tetele e pei o ni pepa pepa, a leai o le a mafua ai ni faʻaletonu e pei o le poloka ma le susunuina o afi.
Aloese mai le poloka i le ea vaʻalele poʻo le pulumu, e ono mafua ai le faʻalavelave afi.
Aua le tuʻuina lou lima poʻo lou vae i totonu o le foloa e aloese ai mai le tiga o le tino.
Aua le sasaaina pe faʻasusu le vai poʻo isi suavai i totonu o le masini e aloese mai ai i se faʻasologa puʻupuʻu e mu ai le masini.
A faʻapea e le ola le pulumu, faʻamolemole siaki pe o loʻo sulu le lauulu i lauulu poʻo isi uumi uumi, fufulu ia i le taimi.
A o teuina le masini mo se taimi umi, ia mautinoa o le maʻa ua maeʻa totogia muamua teuina ma faʻatupeina le masini a itiiti mai taʻitasi tolu masina.
Tape le charger e faʻamama pe toe faʻaleleia le masini. Uu le charger pe a fai e tui pe unu i lalo, ma aua le tosoina le uaea ua molia.
Faʻaaoga se ie mago e fufulu ai le masini. Suavai pei o penisini, 'ava malosi, lacquer manifinifi o le a mafua ai paʻepaʻe poʻo le lanu mou atu ma le mafai ona faʻaaogaina.
Afai e leʻo ola le masini peʻa maeʻa ona totogi, e tatau ona siaki ma lipea i le matou ofisa filifilia, faʻamolemole aua le faʻaleaogaina le masini na o oe lava.

Faʻafefea Ona E Faʻatatauina la Matou Lagolago lugalaina?

E te fiafia e galulue faʻatasi ma matou? Faʻamolemole aua le faʻatali e faʻafesoʻotaʻi mai matou.


Lesitala i lo tatou lomiga